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Michal just completed her Missionary Preparation & Orientation training at Go To Nations Global Missions Center in Jacksonville, Florida. she completed the Timothy Internship Program in Honduras in November, 2021. 

Michal served faithfully with a local organization called YouthQuake Live in Jacksonville for eight years. Through YouthQuake, she received training on how to evangalize others and mentor youth in an impactful way. The combination of YouthQuake Live and her short-term mission assignments, she has realized her passion for reaching teens is her driving force. Following the call of the Lord, Michal is using her passion for teens to motivate and engage young people to fulfill the Great Commission where they are.

Michal is currently serving with Go To Nations' Discover Missions Division with the Forerunner team. Forerunner is a new program she is helping to develop to mentor youth in the area of missions where the Great Commission and disciplines of the faith are instilled in the next generation.