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One of our missionaries serving in Cambodia shares testimonies from a ministry outreach called Encounter Weekend. Most of our trained ministers learn to do this in our Bible Schools where we offer an entire course entitled Victorious Life. The fact is that most of the 'fruit' in our lives is a result of our roots.' There are roots we all experience such as rejection or insecurity that can come in the simplest forms when we are children. Those childhood wounds can become scars that often shape our entire adult lives. Emotional wounds don't heal unless dealt with head on. Like lancing a boil. You have to get the infection out for the wound to heal. 

Then, when you start working in these non-Christian nations, the roots get much deeper and more insidious. Many of these children have been offered to idols as infants. Many are even named after false gods and demonic entities. Those 'blessings' actually bring spiritual curses that come with lots of spiritual issues. Scripture teaches us that 'the life is in the blood' (Leviticus 17:11) and 'the sin of the father passes to the 4th generation' (Exodus 34:7). So, these curses pass from generation to generation and children are born with a sin nature that keeps them bound. 

These encounter weekends focus on the roots in lives in order to change the fruit. This takes Gospel Truth (John 8:32 truth sets us free), personal repentance (I John 1:9 we repent of sin even if we didn't start it) and forgiveness (Luke 6:37 we have to forgive others, the one that started it to be truly free.) Most of us have heard the story of catching monkeys by placing a peanut in a jar. The monkey is easily caught because he won't let go of the peanut. The only way to embrace your future is by fully letting go of the past IN A BIBLICAL WAY in order to have lasting results. 

Here are a few testimonies from the recent Encounter Weekend in Cambodia:

Montha had experienced a lot of rejections since her childhood and she was divorced twice. She is a Tuk Tuk driver (motorcycle with sidecar for short transportation) and has three children.

During the deliverance session, Vandy had a strong headache which caused her not to focus much, but God is faithful and she was delivered! She shared that she heard two voices during the time of the encounter. One was Jesus' voice, and the other was the Devil. She also mentioned that the devil was telling her to not allow us to touch her head, but God's power was so strong that it caused her to listen to Jesus' voice and surrender everything to the Lord.